Vector Signal Generator

Figure 1. Vector Signal Generator (VSG)

VSG GUI Description

VSG GUI Description

Table 1. GUI Description

VSG GUI Description

1 Company Name and Instrument Identification.
2 Top Functions Panel.
3 RF Function Parameters and RF output State View.
4 Modulation function parameters.
5 Sub-Control Menu for detailed settings.
6 Control Panel.

Top Functions Panel

Screenshot Button

Table 2. Screenshot Button
Screenshot Button Function
NK Takes a Screenshot of the entire screen, and saves it as .JPG- or .PNG-file..
  • Press the Screenshot Button and then select the JPG Button or PNG Button to specify the image file type.
  • To save a screenshot a folder can be selected before pressing the OK button. The image is saved to the selected location and named as: AWG_Screenshot_Date-Time.jpg or AWG_Screenshot_Date-Time.png.
  • If no folder is selected before clicking "OK," the file will be automatically saved to the current folder location.

CSV Button

Table 3. CSV Button
CSV Button Function
CSV Button Loads an arbitrary signal from a .csv file.

Arbitrary Waveform Generator Control Panel Overview

System Panel

Table 4. System Panel
System Panel Button Function Button Function
System Panel Preset Button Resets the Vector Signal Generator to default settings. Trigger Button Some text here
Utility Button Some text here. LF OUT Button Some text here.
Calibration Button Some text here. System Button Some text here.

Mode Panel

Table 5. Mode Panel
Waveform Panel Button Function Button Function
Waveform Panel AM Button Function is no implemented yet. I/Q Button Function is no implemented yet.
FM Button Function is no implemented yet. Sweep Button Function is no implemented yet.
PM Button Function is no implemented yet. Pulse Button Function is no implemented yet.

Universal Knob and Arrows

Table 6. Universal Knob and Arrows
Universal Knob and Arrows Button Function Button Function
Universal Knob and Arrows Knob Increase or decrease the active numeric value on screen. Arrows For more a accurate setting than the universal knob, the active numeric value on screen can be increased or decreased. The horizonal arrows change the position left ro right, the vertical arrows increase or decrease the value.

Numeric Keypad

Table 7. Numeric Keypad
Numeric Keypad Function
Numeric Keypad Enter the numerical value in the active configuration parameter on the screen.

Units Keypad

Table 8. Units Keypad
Units Keypad Button Function Button Function
Units Keypad Gbps Button Returns the unit of gigabytes per second to the numeric value entered dBm Button Returns the decibel-millivolt unit to the entered numeric value.
Mbps Button Returns the unit of megabytes per second to the numeric value entered. dBuV/nS Button Sets a decibel-microvolt unit if the active parameter receives amplitude values or nano-seconds unit if the active parameter corresponds to unit of time.
Kbps Button Returns the unit of kilobytes per second to the numeric value entered. mV/ms Button Sets a unit of millivolts if the active parameter receives voltage values or unit of milliseconds if the active parameter corresponds to unit of time.
bps Button Returns the unit of bytes per second to the numeric value entered. uV/uS Button Sets a unit of microvolts if the active parameter receives voltage values or unit of microseconds if the active parameter corresponds to unit of time.
%/0° Button Place as a percentage unit if the active parameter is in percentage, or degrees if the active parameter is expressed in degrees. V/s Button Sets a unit of Volts if the active para- meter receives voltage values or unit of seconds if the active parameter corresponds to unit of time.

Channel Buttons

Table 9. Channel Buttons
Channel buttons Button Function Button Function
Channel Buttons RF Channel 1 Button Turns on, off and / or selects RF channel 1 wave output.. RF Channel 2 Button Turns on, off and / or selects RF channel 2 wave output.
Modulation Channel 1 Button Turns on, off and / or selects modulation channel 1 wave output. Modulation Channel 2 Button Turns on, off and / or selects modulation channel 2 wave output.

Vector Signal Generator Functions

Enable and Disable RF Channels

Press RF Channel 1 Button or RF Channel 2 Button to activate the state the specified RF channel or to change the selected channel to edit output parameters. When the button is fully colored RF Channel 1 Button Activated, it means that the state for that channel is activated and the channel is selected for editing its parameters from the interface, when the button only has a colored stripe below RF Channel 1 Button Selected,it means that the state for that channel is activated, but it is not the channel selected for parameter editing at that moment, when the button is completely gray RF Channel 1 Button , , it means that the output for that channel is off and it is not selected for parameter editing either. The output on of the channel is activate with a led LED Mode ON / LED Mode OFFon the upper of each channel.

Enable and Disable MOD Channels

Press Channel 1 Modulation Selected or Channel 2 Modulation to change the selected modulation channel to edit output parameters. When the button is fully colored Channel 1 Modulation Activated,it means that the modulation channel is selected for editing its parameters from the interface, when the button only has a colored stripe below Channel 1 Modulation Selected,it means that the state for that channel is activated, but it is not the channel selected for parameter editing at that moment, when the button is completely gray Modulation Channel 1 Button , it means that the output for that channel is off and it is not selected for parameter editing either.

Press Turn off LED in Channel 1, Switch I or Turn off LED in Channel 1, Switch Qto activate the output on the specified modulation channel (I for channel 1 and Q for the channel 2). When the toggle switch is gray Turn ON LED in Channel 1, Switch I or Turn ON LED in Channel 1, Switch Q , it means that the output for that channel is activated.

Enable Constellation Map

Press Turn off LED in Channel 1, Switch I and Turn off LED in Channel 1, Switch Q to activate the Y2 and display the constellation map. Both toggle switches must be greenTurn ON LED in Channel 1, Switch I and Turn ON LED in Channel 1, Switch Q to see the constellation map.

To Set RF Output

Press the RF RF Channel 1 Button Selected button, to show the RF waveform parameter submenu.
Table 10. To Set RF Output

RF Function

1 RF frequency parameter.
2 RF amplitude parameter.

The following section describes how to configure the RF output.

Detailed Instructions

  1. For setting the Frequency or Amplitude, press the respective Frequency Button or Amplitude Button, button in the wave parameters submenu, then the cursor will be activated in the respective box.
  2. The value can be modified through the Numeric Keypad (see Table 20 on page 19), or through the Universal Knob and Arrows (see Table 19 on page 19). The decimal can be changed with the left/right arrows below the knob.
  3. The unit is selected via the Units Keypad (see Table 21 on page 20).

To Set Single Carrier

Press the MOD1 Channel 1 Modulation Activated button a then Single Carrier Single Carrier RadioButton radio button, to activate the Single Carrier modulation waveform parameter submenu.
Table 11. To Set Single Carrier

Single Carrier Function

1 Select Single Carrier modulation.
2 The radio buttons that allow to select the QAM kind for the modulation.
3 Enable gray code or Diff Coding.
4 Data source buttons to be modulated.
5 Amplitude Signal IQ parameter.
6 Symbol Rate parameter.
7 Roll-off Factor parameter.
8 Constellation map.

The following section describes how to configure the Single Carrier output.

Detailed Instructions

The conditions are shown in the following table.

Function Available(YES/NO) Description
Qam Kind Y Available for 8QAM to 1024 QAM and BPSK to 64PSK
Gray Code Y Available for 8QAM to 1024 QAM all PSK modulations are gray coded
Differential Coding Y Available only for QPSK and BPSK
Variable Roll of factor Y Initial value = 35% and varies between 0 and 100%.
Variable Symbol Rate Y

Available for:

Max Symbol Rate = 62.5 Mbps

Min Symbol Rate = 953.688 bps

Available in future version (Max Symbol Rate = 250 Mbps Min Symbol Rate = 953.688 bps without limitations in between)

Variable Source N Fixed in PRBS, in future version available PRBS with variable polynomial and Data from File.
Modifiable Mapping N Available in future version.

There are limitations to the Symbol Rate parameter and it is subject to the following formula:

R= 250Mbps/(4*Fs )

Where R is the nearest integer approximation of the value entered by the user Fs (Symbol Rate) that will be displayed on the screen, taking into account a factor of 4 and a fixed frequency.


Press the MOD1 Channel 1 Modulation Activated button an then OFDM OFDM RadioButton radio button, to show the OFDM modulation waveform parameter submenu. .
Table 12. To Set OFDM

OFDM Function

1 Select OFDM modulation.
2 The radio buttons that allow to select the QAM kind for the modulation.
3 Enable gray code or Diff Coding.
4 Data source buttons to be modulated.
5 Arrow buttons to increase or increase the value of the FFT length points.
6 Constellation map.

The following section describes how to configure the OFDM output.

Detailed Instructions

Option 5 allows to select 3 sizes FFT, as described in the table below.

512 1-28 / 229-256 29-228 256
1024 1-28 / 485-512 29-484 512
2048 1-64 /961-1024 65-960 1024